Pronounced: mohr-eh-KAHN-ah and bee-SHAH-mee

Morekana and her beautiful daughter, Bishami, came at the end of November in 2021 along with ten other people from the Bacha (pronounced: BAH-ch’a) tribe. This particular tribe has been completely ostracized and enslaved by the neighboring tribes. There are only about 2,000 Bacha people left, and it seems the numbers are dwindling. In order to give them a fair chance at life, Ebenezer took in 12 people from this tribe.

Morekana and Bishami are now residing with the other children at Ebenezer. They don’t speak Amharic yet, but we’re hoping that they will learn soon. We’re not sure of their exact ages, but they told us that Bishami was about a year old when they arrived.

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